Opportunities for Giving Back

Volunteers, interns, and donors are a vital part of our mission, helping to provide a caring service to child victims of abuse and their non-offending family members. Our volunteers and interns are instrumental in raising awareness about child abuse in northeast Texas, advocating for families and children, and providing overall general support to our Center staff. We're excited and grateful that you are interested in giving back to the children and families we serve.


To become a volunteer:

  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • Complete a volunteer application
  • Complete and pass a background check
  • Upon background check clearance, be available for an interview
  • Attend Volunteer Orientation, training and a tour of the Center

Types of Service

Opportunities for direct and indirect volunteer service include:

  • Family assistance at one of two offices (Emory and Winnsboro)
  • Social work and counseling internships (with Clinical Director approval)
  • Community Presentations
  • Provide meals for meetings and events
  • Administrative and office support
  • Staff fundraising or community events
  • General support
  • Help with Angel Tree (contact families, write angels, gather gifts, etc.)

Once volunteers clear the application and background check process, our staff will provide orientation and training. Most opportunities allow for flexible scheduling. If you are ready to apply, you can download the Volunteer / Intern Application and Background Check Form. For any questions, please email us or call (903) 629-7588.